
Our strapline says that Teignbridge CVS focus is    …supporting voluntary action, empowering local communities… How do we do this?  What Support is available to you for your project, community or organisation?

Teignbridge CVS use the NCVO Value of Infrastructure Map of delivery to support local communities and voluntary and community sector organisations:

  • Develop – delivering a strong sector built with strong organisations and capable people
  • Influence – supporting the work of wider stakeholder organisations
  • Connect – delivering a dynamic sector that recognises the strength in working together with and learning from each other

Tailored Support

We support over 500 local charities and voluntary groups across Teignbridge, helping them to thrive and deliver essential services and activities within their communities. Our support includes:

  • Development of new initiatives or support for existing projects
  • Working with local communities to create and develop ways to meet the needs and aspirations of people in their area.
  • Supporting existing organisations and projects to be safe, legal and up to date with tools, information and practical expertise to ensure they can be the best that they can be
  • Delivery of the Torbay and South Devon Quality Assurance Mark

Information, Advice, Guidance

  • We aim to ensure voluntary and community groups remain up to date in the information they have through our monthly Sector Newsletter, are aware of the latest funding opportunities sent in our Funding Newsletter and have access to training in our Training Bulletin.
  • Our networks and forums bring groups together in peer networks and provide an open forum for sharing local, regional and national information and guidance and asking advice from peer providers.


Our high-quality training programme is specifically designed to meet the needs of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Teignbridge and wider Devon.  Our learning opportunities aim to build skills to ensure organisations remain safe, appropriately skilled and compliant.  As a training centre we offer both NOCN accredited courses and non-accredited courses with internal certification provided.  Find out more about our Learning Offer HERE

Teignbridge CVS have their own in-house excellent, passionate trainers, as well as a bank of trusted and experienced external trainers.


The voluntary sector has a long history of working close to local communities and often with marginalised, disadvantaged and seldom seen, seldom heard groups within our communities.  The kinds of relationships the sector is able to develop with their clients is of the kind that is often found wanting in statutory services and the emphasis they place on user involvement in the design of services is an enabler of its own.  Teignbridge CVS facilitates engagement and consultation between those planning and designing services and those voluntary and community groups who can bring the voice of the user.


We make the case for the local voluntary and community sector and enable  representation from across the sector to local councils, the NHS and other statutory stakeholders.  Teignbrdige CVS provides the process through which representatives from organisations obtain their mandate to speak on behalf of the sector on various partnerships and enables communications between representatives and the wider sector.


We try to ensure we have up to date intelligence on the voluntary and community sector across Teignbridge and wider South Devon in order that we can promote the role that it plays in delivering strong and vibrant communities and the support it provides for those most in need.  We deliver reports on gaps, issues, concerns and threats as well as opportunities and new initiatives to the wider stakeholder organisations.

Networking, Collaboration and Co-operation

We bring people together from across voluntary and community groups, to make connections, share what they do and support each other, connecting local initiatives to encourage and promote working together and collaboration on local projects, sharing knowledge and resources for the benefit of the local community, voluntary organisations and community groups.

We facilitate the South Devon Wellbeing Partnership

Funding Advice

Funding & fundraising are more important than ever in our sector. Teignbridge CVS aims to help everyone involved in voluntary, social enterprise and community organisations in Teignbridge to find funds to achieve their vision.

Plase have a look at ourFunding Advice Page