Supporting voluntary action,

Empowering local communities

Supporting voluntary action,

Empowering local communities

Supporting voluntary action,

Empowering local communities

Supporting voluntary action,

Empowering local communities

Supporting voluntary action,

Empowering local communities

Latest news

Keeping Help and Support Local

Keeping Help and Support Local

Do you have an idea that could maybe help older or disabled people in your community? Support for those with ideas in Devon for all kinds of people (of all ages!) to set up as Microproviders by offering them the opportunity to join a free programme that ensures they...

Free DBS Workshops specifically for VCSE Organisations  30 July 24

Free DBS Workshops specifically for VCSE Organisations 30 July 24

Free DBS Workshops specifically for VCSE Organisations Workshops are suitable for to any staff who hold responsibility for DBS processes within their organisation, providing advice and making decisions about the level of DBS check that should be applied for, and/or...

Upcoming events


We provide learning opportunities for those working in the not-for-profit sector.

Teignbridge Together

Take a look at what is happening in Teignbridge, our community listings, events and opportunities.


Our services are focused on supporting your group so that it is are able to provide a quality service.


Volunteering, Social Action and Active Citizenship is about people making a positive difference in their communities and the places they live.

Our impact


Investment into our communities, Improving sustainability of activities & services in 23/24


New Community Services and activities in Teignbridge as a result of CVS Support.


Organisations attended 41 networking events to promote peer learning in 23/24