
New Devon Mental Health Alliance (DMHA) Innovation Fund

New Devon Mental Health Alliance (DMHA) Innovation Fund is specifically targeted at organisations providing support for people’s mental wellbeing, with a particular focus on the severe mental illness cohort and innovative projects to support them.

Grants of up to £800 are now available for organisations delivering this level of innovative support to improve mental wellbeing — please read on for more information.

At the Alliance we are helping to promote innovation in the delivery of mental health support within the community, with a particular focus on supporting grassroots organisations for whom relatively small funding pots could significantly enhance the outcomes achieved.

We are particularly hoping to help organisations with projects that provide genuine innovation in helping to alleviate complex mental health challenges in the following areas:

  1. Social isolation
  2. Older people
  3. Young people transitioning into adult services
  4. 18-24 year olds
  5. Integration with eating disorders, personality disorder, or rehabilitation services
  6. Gaps in local provision, or for people who fall between primary and secondary care services
  7. Digital exclusion

Funding can be used to support a broad range of activity including capital (for example, the purchase of IT equipment) and/or revenue investment (for example, staffing costs or renting of space).

If you are interested in applying for a grant from our new Innovation Fund, please download and complete the application form,DMHA+Innovation+Fund+Application+Form (1) then send it back to us via our inbox on east@mentalhealthdevon.co.uk and we will:

  1. provide initial guidance on whether an application is suitable,
  2. support you through the completion of the form to ensure appropriate information is provided,
  3. support organisations that are unsuccessful to either resubmit, or seek alternative funding if appropriate, and
  4. capture the impact of investment with successful partners.

Please note that this is a competitive process, therefore not all applications will be successful.