
Free Training for young people

The Sir Francis Chichester Trust is once again offering FREE places on Outward Bound Courses to young people aged 16-22 who live in Devon. If you know of an individual who might benefit from this course, please encourage and help them to apply (deadline for applications – 24 January 2023). For more details visit the Sir Francis Chichester Trust website where you can download an application form, or email Juliet White: info@chichestertrust.org.uk

Young person from 2022 course –I cannot thank you enough for this chance to set me up for adulthood, a chance without you I would not have had, you have really helped to shape my future in a positive way.”

Here’s a short video to give you a taster of what an Outward Bound course is all about! Read about how learning and adventure in the wild improves wellbeing in young people!