
Cost of Living – Teignbridge Planning for Action

Teignbridge CVS, working with Teignbridge District Council held a Cost of Living Workshop in September which brought groups together with the Council to explore what the demand (at the time) was, what support was available and to start to identify what the need might be.

The second Cost of Living – Teignbridge Planning for Action cross sector meeting will be on Friday 21st October 2022 at the Courtenay Centre in Newton Abbot from 10.00am – 12.30pm

It will be an opportunity to/for

  • compare shared data and update on  Cost of Living website/Money Worries leaflet
  • structured  cross sectors networking to develop solutions and opportunities
  • look at the new government policies and what they mean for the sector and the services we deliver
  • a warm spaces update
  • an introduction of communication/engagement plan

Please do book your space on Eventbrite  and do share data (table HERE ) so we have a very simple measure of demand (send to anja@teigncvs.org.uk)